Today, I discovered a couple of unauthorized $1 Apple iTunes Store charges pending on my American Express card. I visited my iTunes Store account page and found no reference to any recent charges. (Typically, when I tried to click on the "Report A Problem" button, all it did was disappear. Actually, what it does is enable other links to allow you to report a problem with specific items on the "recent purchases" list, but it's both subtle and not what I wanted.)
I immediately cleared the credit card info from my iTunes account and went back to Amex to see what I could do about challenging the charges. "Pending charges can not be contested," is the Amex reply.
Hmm. A quick check with daughter reveals that she hadn't downloaded anything without first checking with Dear Old Dad.
Was I being set up to be the next victim of the ongoing scam? [link to NY Times story]
I Googled around for a bit to check on what to do, and finally found this, buried at the Apple web site:
Yep, in fact prompted by Apple's recent introduction of "2 Step Verification," I had made some changes to my account a week or so ago. OK then, no problem. Time to re-enter the card info at iTunes and move on my merry way.
Hey Apple! It would be good - in light of all the fraud and scams surrounding the iTunes Store - if you reminded people of your policy at the time that they make these changes!